integrated amp suggestions solid state

i have been using a sim i5.3 for over 2 years now and a friend suggested to get something with more power(current).I listen to mainly jazz and classical.I have been looking at musical fidelity higher wattage amps and wonder if thats movin down the rung.I am working with budget so going to the evloution series would hurt,My speakers are addagios, cdp i5.3, az cabling.Some suggestions would be appreciated.Looking to stay solid state...thanks
I have a Simaudio i.53SE. It is a fine and convenient integrated, but stepping to a Pass Labs class A will provide more dimension to the music. Your speakers are pretty efficient so, if stepping up, it may not be about more power, but better circuitry. If my speakers had those specs I'd go for the VAC 160i.
Depends on your budget. I used an NAD M3 with my Adagios and it sounded very good although was not strong on air and detail. The detail was there, but not forward. Very good bass, soundstage, not fatiguing at all. Very powerful, meaty, and substantial sounding with the Adagios. Plus, it had tone controls so you could turn up the treble if you wanted to but I never did. I only sold it because the display is small and I couldn't see the volume number from my chair. Dumb maybe, but whatever! Now I'm using a BAT VK300xSE with the Supertube option. Compared to the NAD it doesn't sound as powerful but does have more air, detail, (this sounds silly, but) "tube magic".

The NAD can be had used for around $1400.00. My next choice for SS would've been Sim I7 because it also has a large display like the BAT and twice the price like the BAT. Others to look at might be Plinius 9200, Cambridge 840A V2, Anthem, or the MF you mentioned. Then there's Class D like Wyred4Sound, etc but Class D didn't suit my preference. All comes down to synergy and preference but I think the Adagios like power. (disclaimer: I like power)
Luxman L-550ax. 20 watts class A, much more powerful than you could imagine without hearing for yourself. I'm sure the Pass is nice too (Int 30?). Personally I'd go for lower power class A sound; "tubey" (full, harmonically rich sounding to my ears) sound without the hassle of tubes.