Integrated Amp that goes well with Triangle Celius

Hello all,
This is going to be my first hi-fi system.
I purchased Triangle Celius ES last week.
Next step is to buy an amp that goes well with the speakers. I heard that the speakers are a little too bright.
CREEK 5350SE, Primare A30.1, ARCAM A75/85 and Krell 300I are on my list.
DO you have any suggestions on these int-amps that will compensate the brightness?
One more thing to say is that my budget is pretty much tight and my first system doesn't have to be perfect.

Thank you,
You may try the Pathos Classic One. The reviewers and everyone I have talked to that has one, go crazy over it. They shows up on AudioGon at a very good price regularly. I have a Music Fidelity Trivista 300(I know thats more than you probably want or need) and I can tell you the hybrid integrated is the way to go. I've owned Tandberg, Jeff Rowland and Sim Audio Moon integrateds, and the hybrid eats them all for lunch . My 2 cents.
I have owned a pair of triangle celius for almost 2 years.
First I used a Plinius 8100 integrated solid state to drive the celius, the sound was very clean, good soundstage,very dynamic, but a little bright and without body, the sound was thin.
Then I moved to the Conrad Johnson MV50(tubes), and that was a perfect match, airy sound, not anymore bright, very good high extension, full body.
Triangle speakers sound very well with tube amps, because of their different sound signatures. Triangle have a little bright and thin sound , some tube amps have a warm sound.But all depends on what kind of music do you listen to?
Another thing to consider is the sensibility of the celius, is a very efficient speaker. So, a 50, 40 watt amp will be ok. I saw that Gunbei pointed you to Primaluna prologue and Unicon. Those are in the $1200 used.
Also you can check
Tube Audio Design TAD-60, you can use as an integrated first and then as a power amp. You can read some reviews here, there is a link to audiogon review
Hope it helps
It sells new for 1299 factory direct and used for 800.
If your budget is less than $1000.
I would say Audiolab 8000s(solid state) now there is one used $500 or the Classe(solid state) CAP-80 black $800. I think both are neutral, so wont make it brighter and will provide more body to the music. Last you can buy some power tube amp for $700(used) and a solid state pre for $600(used) and make a good combo. Also you will need some good Interconnect, entry level used $200. Tell us more about your music preferences and maybe we can help you better.
Happy Listening
I have had the Unico running my Triangle Antals for 3 months now, and no itch to upgrade yet... I really like this combination, the best sound I have ever had.
The Creek may also be a good match, but a lot depends on the quality of your source. Just remember to give the Celius some time, Triangles are infamous for a long break-in time.
Oh my so many~
Thank you for your kind feedbacks even I'm getting more confused about what to choose.
Here's my some preferences that might help narrow it down.
I want the sound to be warm but very detailed.
I love orchestral music, especially violine and piano concertoes, and also sometimes listen to opera arias and jazz. Like I mentioned before, My budget doesn't allow more than $2,000 for amp and CD player. I wouldn't mind buying used ones.

Thank you again,
Chul Hee,

Audio decisions are always this tough. But that's what makes it so fun!

I'd definitely buy both your CD player and integrated used on Audiogon. Run searches on the components you're considering and you'll get a better idea of how they might sound with your equipment and if you'd like them or not. The neat thing about turning up threads relevant to your topic is that the discussions always point you towards something that you never thought of before.

Have fun!