Integrated Amplifier with the Good Bass and Extended Highs

Looking for an SS Integrated amplifier with the NAD's or Simaudio's deep bass but with the extended highs
for the PSB Synchrony speakers. I listened PSB with the Accuphase E-470 (which I shouldn't) and since then I can't find the right amplifier. I tried Belles Aria but I didn't like the bass.

I like the Bryston integrated amps. Plenty of clean power and solid bass and they come with the optional DAC or phono and a standard 20 year warranty.

The Vincent SV-237 is also a very nice sounding integrated. I had it for a short period before deciding to go with their separate SP-331 amp only because I couldn't justify shelving my NAD preamp. I must confess the separate set up does sound better but not significantly.

I have a Vincent SV-237.  I am actually looking to get rid of mine to get to the next level of high end audio.  I also have a nice phono stage to go with it, which also is a vincent PHO-700.  Not sure if you are interested at all, but thought i would throw it out there.
I usually make my own intergrated by sticking the power amp chassis to the pre-amp and sending the XLR Cable into the chassis by cutting out a hole. This way you get the best of both worlds.