My taste in music is very similar to yours and I was in your position not long ago. The amps on my short-list were:
1. Unison Research Unico
2. Audio Refinement Complete
3. Creek 5350SE
4. LFD Mistral LE
I think you'd be well served with any of these amps. For me and with my speakers (Triangle Titus 202) in my room (17x20x10 with fireplace in one corner), the AR Complete proved to be the best match. I never heard the Mistral, much to my regret, but the lack of a remote option kinda put the kibosh on it. Still, I may look into getting one some day. At any rate, give any of these amps a listen--I think the Creek and LFD fall around the $1500 mark, the Unico is around $1300 and the Complete is a steal at $995. For used options, I'd look at a Plinius 8100 or 8200 and Classe CAP-151.