Integrated Shootout: Rogue Tempest/Cary Sli80 sig

The Cary is stock re: all tubes except power tubes, the 6922 tubes are Sovtek, the 5u4g tubes are Sovtek as well, the 6sn7 tubes are Chinese, and the power tubes are Svet 6550 and Electro Harmonix 6550EH.
The Rogue has the Sovtek 12ax7 and JAN Phillips 12au7(tube upgrade from Rogue) and the same power tubes (Svet 6550, EH 6550EH).

Ok. The Cary is a bit more refined. Alot, actually. But the Cary with stock tubes, is brighter (I can't believe I think it sounds bright, but it does).
The Rogue had soundstage DEPTH out the yin-yang, while the Cary is more 2-D (I don't like this at all).
As far as Soundstage width , the Cary is wider, but with the depth lacking so, it seems more "fake" than the Rogue.
The Rogue, because of it's depth and acceptable width, sounds more like music in real space, but with a more "tubey" sound (it sounds colored, but the coloring makes it sound real), while the Cary's tone is purer and the pace more lively, but because of the brightness and flat soundstage, it seems to suffer by comparison. Both throw an image very, very well.

I am going to be tweaking around with some 6sn7 and 6922 tubes for the Cary, in an effort to get the brightness out (I know this can be fixed) and most importantly, the soundstage depth up to snuff. I just wanted to post my results so far. The Tempest, with the upgraded preamp tubes from Rogue (I think a $100 option) gets the nod vs the totally stock Sli80.

This is going to get good.... stay tuned.
Opinions are appreciated...
You need to hearRogue Tempest Magnum Version. This will walk all over the Cary. Check the Rogue Website for detail on the upgraded model. Much more refinement and depth and control. Upgraded Electre Harmonix output tubes, power supply, caps , resistors. Truly an amazing amp.
Yes, and I had the stack version before. If you like the Tempest but would like a large improvement in all areas than go for the Magnum upgrade. What System are you using it with ? I have mine hooked up to Audio Physic Virgo's and it is a beautiful match.
Gthirteen, I also have the Rogue Magnum Tempest. I changed the 12AX7's to Mullard CV4004 from www.kcanostubes. I also put NOS Phillips in the 12AU7 slots like you. I am selling the QUAD of NOS Phillips here on the gon (need cash).
I heard a huge difference after adding both... This unit came with the Magnum upgrade so I don't know the difference between the normal and Magnum versions.
Chelillingsworth: Have you heard both at home?
That's where the real decisions get made...
I think it's hard to tell until you live with a piece on your own time for a while, usually the loaner period that the nicer dealers allow is only enough to get a rough idea.

Currently the system at chez '13 is as follows:
Rega Planet>Audioquest Python>Tempest OR SLI80 Siggy>Audioquest SA-40(silver,15 gauge) double biwire>B&W Nautilus 805.

Say what you might, but I'm keeping the Rega ;, even though it retails for half of what my cables retail for!!!

Again, right now, The Rogue sounds more like real music being played in a real space. I know, if you only own one, it may be tough to be unbiased, as some previous threads will clearly show. I think that both of these integrated amps are stupendous, and at the used price point of $1400-$1700, I doubt you could do any better.

The thing is, some people might prefer the stock Cary to the stock Rogue. Some people might not care as much about soundstage depth as I do. And, come on, the Rogue is far from ugly, but the Cary is absolutely sexual.(I have actual opinions from actual college coeds, law school ain't all bad) THis might matter more to some people, than it does to me.

I fear that what is going to happen is that once I get the Sovtek 6922 crap out of there, the Cary will transform, and smoke the Tempest. At which point, the logical next step is to go Magnum on the Tempest, but if the Magnum is NOT better than the Cary, I will obviously keep the Cary, and most likely NOT be able to get $650 MORE (the cost of admission into Magnum status) than what I could get for the stocker Tempest when/if I sell the Rogue Magnum Tempest. Whereas, if I like the Magnum better, I can get probably 95% of my money out of the Cary, and lose a bit more on the tubes...
So, either way, the experiment is going to get expensive...

But, I seriously doubt that anyone has compared the Magnum to a tweaked Sli-80 signature in a familiar system, with no time constraints, at their leisure, so I'm willing to take a hit to the wallet for "science"

AS I have previously stated, in my system, for the above mentioned reasons, if a person is going to buy one of these and NOT roll tubes, the Rogue is a better value and sounds better TO ME IN MY SYSTEM.

However, I can't imagine someone reading this post that wouldn't want some nice NOS tubes smiling back at them...

And, to recap, I'm not necessarily looking for the best value, but the best remote controlled tubed integrated amp at the used price mentioned above, plus a bit for tubes.

So, we shall see what happens next... Anyone want to donate some 6sn7 or 6922 tubes for the sake of science? (big "ups" to Dekay)