Integrated tube amp with tuner?

I'm doing some research for an integrated amp to match with a pair of vintage Klipsch Cornwalls. In the vintage category, I've been eyeing a Scott 299D, Eico HF-81 and in the new an Onix SP3 or a Jolida JD 302B. However I'd really like a tuner with the amp and the only model that I've gotten feedback on is a Fischer 500C. Any other tube amps with a tuner (older or new) that I should look into?

I'd rather go all tube actually. Isn't the Mac 1500 an hybrid as well? I think the preamp is SS. Does that only affect the signal path if using the phono though? A CD player would be line level, right? So no need to go through the SS preamp?
The 1500 has a tube amp and tuner and an ss pre. An excellent combo actually, but it only has 30W/ch. The 1700 has 40W/ch and although the amp is ss, it has the famous Mac autoformer output transformers, which makes it a very listenable ss amp with a damping factor of 100 (vs. 10 for the 1500) better to control those woofers ;-)
Look vintage. Tandberg,luxman,Fischer,Scott,Kenwood, and yes Macintosh and much more. I have seen some that just in the looks dept are just beautiful and I am sure can sound even more lovely. A friend of mine from many years sold a complete tube Fischer setup in place of ss was he later on very disapointed in ss sound, and this is from a guy that never cared about audio.
Hi Killwhat,
Have you checked out "Mapleshade"? They sell some modified/reconditioned vintage tube receivers.
Phaelon, I will check them out. Thanks.

Nsgarch, The Cornwalls are so efficient (something like 98dB @ 1watt) so I think 30W are actually plenty of power especially in the small room I have them in.