Integrateds: Warm sounding SS vs Hybrid

I have recently had Bryston B60 and Unison Unico amps. They each had their strengths. Overall I liked the Unico better, its more forward, fuller sound and a wider soundstage, due to its tube preamp. However, I wasn't enamored with the tube hiss I was getting, I realize that there might have been a problem with the amp, but I have read about others having this problem. With no music playing, or very quiet passages in classical music, the hiss could be heard from the listening position6-8 feet away.

I have read reviews of some SS amps where their sound is described as "tube-like".

My questions are:

1) Has anyone who had owned tubed gear heard a SS integrated that sounds like tubes?

2) Was my experience with Unison tube hiss likely due to faulty gear/tubes, etc?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
The accuphase integrateds sounds pretty close to tubes with dynamics and details off a solid state counterpart
one will never achieve the classic tube sound, e.g., the conrad johnson mv 45, mv 75 or mv 125, with a solid state device.

if one takes as representative the modern tube sound, which resembles solid state, it may be much easier.
I partially agree with you. However, classic tube sound isn't always perfect either. Old Dynacos & Macs lack some of the dynamics of newer gear????
I'm a big fan of class A rated amps to get 90% of the tube warmth with 0% of the hassles.
Yes, I have all of the above running in my systems: 50's Telefunken, 70's Grommes Pentode, 80's Yamaha M series class A, 90's Dynaco by Panor SET, 90's PSE, newer Mac, heavily modded Music Hall.
They all have their good and bad points....overall, I can't decide!
There are two integrateds that come to my mind where I just forgot thinking about their design fundamentals (SS or Tube) - those are Gryphon an Acoustic Plan.

I was more listening to music than the amp itself.
Well, I'm going to take a chance on the Unison Unico again. I'll assume that there was something wrong with the last one. Without haveing a hifi shop near to audition pieces, I'm going to stick with what I know for now. At some point in the future when I have the time and money, I'll pick up one of the SS integrateds mentioned here and do a direct comparison myself. (Thinking Primare, Plinius, Jungson)

I just can't get that luscious sound from the Unico out of my mind, and I like the hybrid approach of getting some of that tube magic without the maintenance, etc. I'm sure its not the last word in detail and upper/lower extension, but it definitely made nice sounding music. Unfortunately (or fortunately given my proclivity for indecision) there aren't many hybrids that retail for $2k and under.

Now I have to figure out speakers for them. I had Totem Arros and liked the sound (especially their imaging capabilities), but I need a little more oomph, as I do listen to rock and orchetral music. My friend's Epos M5's (with modest Creek integreated) moved more air than the Arros!!

So I am thinking of going for a bookshelf/monitor with good bass extension (as good as bookshelves get at least), and adding a subwoofer at some point if needed.

Any suggestions for the Unico for ~$1k used?