I tried Mogami Gold XLR balanced ICs because they are cheap ($125) and so many postings indicating that balanced ICs don't make a difference if well constructed. Baloney!!! After breaking in 100 hours, they sounded like crap in my high end system (let them play without me in the room). Flat, tonally thin, lacking dynamic contrast, totally uninteresting for domestic home use. They are touted as the best studio recording cable. I grant them their neutral tonal balance, clean and noise free qualities. Maybe that's what is needed in a recording studio. For listening pleasure (lack of), they are awful! Monster 300s sound superior (light in the highs, very rich bottom, dynamic, not neutral but very listenable for a $15 cable).
My ICs cost $700 and have patented air core suspended wires (Grover Huffman) with a very elaborate construction. I've heard other moderate and high end cables (I'm a cable beta tester). Some are awful (High Fidelity-dead company) and some are quite good with wide range of price.