Interconnect Cables for Pre-and Power amp

Hi, I’m searching for a pair of interconnect cables connection my pre-amp (Ayre K-1xe) and power-amps (Pass Labs XA30.5) – both Solid State. FYI, the speakers are a pair of Harbeth C7-es3.

Preferably, I’d get the Balanced interconnect cables to get the full potentials of these amps. What would you recommend for mid-end/used cables (brands, models, etc)? What’s the typical lengths of the cables – 1.5m or 2m?

My choices of music are mostly vocals, jazz, pop songs, symphony, chamber and some blues and rock(no heavy metal or other modern music types). I look for cables that deliver extended highs, natural/full-body mid-range and dynamic bass with excellent imaging and soundstages.

Thank you for your recommendations.
You describe the effect of silver well.Silver is only revealing the character of the system`s components.A good quality silver cable isn`t "adding" any glare,harshness,thiness,brightness etc.
It all dépends also to your speakers,if they are reveiling and not power hangry then choose the most transparent and Life like ic.
A cable add-s nothing. A better cable can reveal more information. Nothing more, nothing less
Yes..but if the speakers are hard to drive hé CAN never take the full benefit of the ic isń ´t it reason why one think lead to another so he must take into considération all and everything That CAN effect the signal reproduction.thx Hope That help.
I had a Pass X150.5 and an Ayre Pre...I ran Nordost Frey XLRs between them. Loved the combo.