
Shortly I'll be getting a new amp. I currently have a pair of Mackenzies to connect the pass 250. 8 to my audio research 6se. Should I be spending more for the interconnects? As you can imagine I've already spent a lot of money on the components. Somebody suggested Synergistic research in the $500 range.

Should I be fine with the Mackenzies or is there something better for such high end equipment that would be in that price range? I only need a meter.

Thank you.

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To answer your question, no. There is no difference between interconnects unless they have some type of resistor or other electronic altering device built it. When will people learn that cost is almost never the factor that they think it is, especially in audio stuff? 

@roxy1927 - stick with the Mackenzies - they are well designed and should provide great sound quality.

If you really feel the need to upgrade then ask your question on the Hijiri thread.

Likely someone there would have owned Mackenzies in the past and can offer an informed opinion

Regards - Steve


To answer your question, no. There is no difference between interconnects unless they have some type of resistor or other electronic altering device built it.

Ah the flat earthers once again rear their ugly head where they’re clearly not needed or wanted.  Wonderful.

Ah the flat earthers once again rear their ugly head where they’re clearly not needed or wanted.

@soix  , I believe it is the equivalent of a holy mission.