I find digital recordings on vinyl sound better still in most cases because they are put through ultra expensive D/A converters at times with 24bit depths and 96KHz or higher sampling rates before going to plate. Also, they may have to specially master the signal especially for vinyl due to modulation limitations of vinyl. CD sound can be crunched down to whatever the mastering engineer wants it to be. In most cases the trend is getting the most RMS vs. peak signal out of the recording so when listened to on say a wave radio or 6" coaxial car speaker or boombox will sound loud as hades. Another thing is most DJ carts use 3-4gram of tracking force(except for the M44G by Shure that I'm aware of) and that naturally will compress the signal so what the mastering engineer is doing on CD is being done in real time by someone's DJ phono cart.
Interesting article in today;s Philly Inquirer
I came accross an interesting article on United Record Presing in today's Philadelphia Inquirer. It was news to me that so many new singles are still cut to vinyl. Of course audiophiles are briefly mentioned as well.
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