Inverted Polarity Correction Question


I have a Rogue 66 preamp and understand it inverts polarity. I also recently opened up my MSB Nelson Link Dac and saw a jumper that can inverts phase, so I was wondering if I should use this feature to correct the phase? Any experience here? Thanks much in advance.
Timo was joking, of course, since all that would accomplish is to reverse left and right channels. It would have no effect whatsoever on polarity.
Re: Reverse polarity on CDs: Somewhere there is a website with a list of CDs that sound better with reversed polarity. I only know of a few and have marked those CDs - anyone know where this list resides?
Fi magazine once published a list of labels with inverted signals, but they were full of shit. All you can do in try it both ways. Unfortunately most expensive dacs do not allow such a change and very few preamps have an invert switch.