Is a cheaper DAC + Reclocker better than just an expensive DAC?

Hi All,

I'm still in my DAC dilemma phase, and have come across this situation, is a cheaper DAC + Reclocker better than just an expensive DAC?  The basis for this is the below Gustard example.  Also, i've read a review that commented on the X26 being further improved when a reclocker was added.

Gustard U18 reclocker ($635 CAD) + Gustard X18 ($952 CAD) = $1,587 CAD


Gustard X26 = $1,907 CAD


So if i wanted to:

- have a mind-blowing DAC experience (stepping up from my Khadas Tone Board DAC)

-not have any regrets

- extinguish any upgrade fever

- make girls like me... it a general rule that a DAC+reclocker will ususally sound better than a standalone more expensive DAC, and so i should pursue this route?

Does anyone have any amazing examples of cheaper DACs, that when coupled with a reclocker, elevate the combo into the really acoustically high-end and detailed areas of the hobby?



As several modern DAC makers have pointed out, you need the clock as physically close to the DAC chip as possible.  An external clock can't be as accurate, but in professional uses may be needed.

The other issue is, USB has the highest bandwidth, so not sure what use USB in to S/PDIF out is useful.

The one big benefit I see of the U18 is something which SHOULD be in every single DAC but isn't, which is galvanic isolation of every metal input, including USB.

Well...I would have given you the same advice 6 months ago - buy the best single dac unit you can afford.  But, now that I've completed my own digital front-end upgrade, I would recommend buying the best DAC you can afford AND add a reclocker.

In my case, I bought two DAC's to compare side-by-side.  I sold the Gustard x26 Pro and kept a cheaper AliExpress DC500 (dual AKM4499EQ's) because it sounded better.  And then the fun started.  I upgraded two MUSES03 opamps with discrete opamps:  I bought an AF200 reclocker with CCHD-957 Crystek oscillators:  I bought linear power supply for the AF200 reclocker:  I'm using a high quality AES/EBU cable between the DC500 DAC and the AF200 reclocker.  I kept my usb cable short & removed ferrite rings.  The results were astonishing - there's no way a $900.00 Chinese DAC should sound this good - but it does (after spending an additional $450.00 on the upgrades).  One last thing - do not use any digital attenuation on your DAC!


@markkpa — sold the Gustard x26 Pro and kept a cheaper AliExpress DC500 (dual AKM4499EQ’s) because it sounded better.

How? How did it sound better?

One last thing - do not use any digital attenuation on your DAC!

What the hell are you talking about??? What is digital attenuation? You’re a complete freak.

Weiss 501 info perhaps addresses this. Synchronization An internal high precision / low jitter clock generator is responsible for clocking the D/A converter section. The sampling frequency of that generator is fixed at about 195kHz. The input signals are converted to the 195kHz sampling frequency for optimal signal quality. This scheme also helps significantly in reducing any jitter related effects. All standard sampling frequencies up to 384 kHz plus DSD x64 and x128 are supported.

+1 to better dac > reclocker+lesser dac, as a generality... but of course, specifics dictate the outcome

+1 also for weiss dac501/502... superb, high stratosphere of performance (and price of course)