Is a highly discerning system enjoyable?

I argue that in terms of musical enjoyment, connection, feeling the musicians and composers maybe a highly discerning system is going too far? Maybe I want the warts airbrushed out.  Maybe I like a system that lets me listen to a broader range of recordings  without whincing?

Then there’s systems which are discerning of performances vs. discerning of upstream gear. I personally feel they are not the same thing at all.

Lastly, if your room is an acoustic mess, how can you tell?

If you feel strongly either way I'd appreciate examples of the gear that made you go one way or another.


If there was ever a recording that could benefit from a remastering, War should be on that list. 


@perkri  If memory serves, it was remastered, but AFAIK it was just a marketting gimmick.  It was not in any way I could tell better.


Too bad. More I think about it, the more it seems like an incomplete idea


FWIW, listening to Talking Heads, and it sounds fantastic! Night and day compared to War. 

@perkri It is a better sounding album overall, but the bass is still just more of a hint of what drums sound like instead of actual drums. 

The lyrics and guitar caries it.


I may need to listen to another copy/version. This is sounding very dynamic to me?

Perhaps it’s just because I just listened to War previously. Although, I was playing Depeche Mode Delta Machine in between, which has an insane amount of bottom end…

@perkri  I only heard these on CD, if you have vinyl you may be having a totally different experience than I did.