Something from my own musician point of view concerning cloning the sound of different tubes etc.
If you want the "real" sound of a Hammond B3 and Leslie, go out and buy the real tubed ones made decades ago.
The synth versions are just that, synthetic.
The synth versions can do a good job of tricking you that they sound just as good,until you hear them side by side.
Same with modeling amplifiers.
There's a lot of them around that promise to recreate the sound of old Marshall, or Fender tube amps,yet in reality, they pale in comparison to the real items.Stll want to clone the sound of an EL 34?
Ask Mr Carver why he uses the real tubes on his newest tube amps?
There's no substitution for the real things in life.
That's the reality.
Lots of folks do like these clones,they make sense, they're cheap and easy to maintain and they are portable.And they can buy them.It's hard to buy the originals and definitely not cheap.
They are an attempt to capture the sounds that made the original "analog" units so popular.
Think of this.
Technology marches on, yet it's purpose is to clone all that has gone on before. The old technology.Not chart new territories,the one exception being the Moog.
People buy the newest computer gear to download music that is derivative of another generation,which was derivative of the one before it.We keep reinventing the wheel.
Now that's progress.
If you want the "real" sound of a Hammond B3 and Leslie, go out and buy the real tubed ones made decades ago.
The synth versions are just that, synthetic.
The synth versions can do a good job of tricking you that they sound just as good,until you hear them side by side.
Same with modeling amplifiers.
There's a lot of them around that promise to recreate the sound of old Marshall, or Fender tube amps,yet in reality, they pale in comparison to the real items.Stll want to clone the sound of an EL 34?
Ask Mr Carver why he uses the real tubes on his newest tube amps?
There's no substitution for the real things in life.
That's the reality.
Lots of folks do like these clones,they make sense, they're cheap and easy to maintain and they are portable.And they can buy them.It's hard to buy the originals and definitely not cheap.
They are an attempt to capture the sounds that made the original "analog" units so popular.
Think of this.
Technology marches on, yet it's purpose is to clone all that has gone on before. The old technology.Not chart new territories,the one exception being the Moog.
People buy the newest computer gear to download music that is derivative of another generation,which was derivative of the one before it.We keep reinventing the wheel.
Now that's progress.