Do you find any digital enjoyable when you hear it played on your gear? How about other gear?
Certainly! What do you mean by 'other gear'?
IMHO any single open reel machine ( and I say any. ) has several failures. Yes, it is the best analog source but imperfect too, especially against digital one:
some normal specs on digital recording systems gives us numbers like these:
- flat frequency response from DC!!!, -THD lower than 0.004%, - signal to noise 93db RMS unweighted
First, the R2R takes a back seat to the LP; ever hear a direct to disk?? The dynamic range, signal to noise and bandwidth of an LP can far exceed that of R2R. It just happens that often the reel to reel sounds better for other reasons- poor signal chain in the LP, worn stampers, stuff like that.
In the THD spec of the digital you did not mention Inharmonic Distortion, which is very high!- enough that anyone can hear it on any kind of equipment without training. Compare that to analog which has none. You will never see the Inharmonic Distortion figure in any digital specs as it is terrible- sort of like the Emperor's New Clothes.
Here is the same: why we like a faulty medium over a truer/accurate medium as digital?
Well, to begin with digital is not as accurate. Do I have to keep harping: Spend some time in the studio using direct microphone feeds, compare the digital and analog recordings and don't forget to compare the lathe cuts while we are at it???
The least accurate is digital, 2nd in line is reel to reel and the best is the lathe cut. If the mic feed goes directly to the lathe, the resulting LP will be the best representation of that microphone feed. I should point out that you don't need sophisticated gear to hear what I am talking about; anyone will easily hear the differences, even if the speakers are substandard by high end standards, even if the signal is sent through a cheap amplifier. It is very obvious to the untrained ear.
Lacee, have you heard any of Johnny Cash's LPs that he did just before he died? How about some of the recordings of Low on Kranky ('Trust' is a good place to start)? The sound is AAA and amazing!