Is berkeley dac as good as absolute sound review?

in the absolute sound robert harley said that this is the best dac he has ever had.
I suspect that it really is as good as Robert Harley says. The people behind Berkeley are some of the same people who designed the digital filter for the world-class Spectral SDR-4000 Pro cd player.
I believe it was used in the TAD demonstration at CES, which really focused on recording engineers pressing for 192/24 recording and availability to the public on Blu-Ray. If so, it was exceptional, but so were the recordings.

I have heard many who doubt it, however. They are mainly insiders who have their products to press, however. Knowing what I do about the business pressures in the industry and between the industry and reviewers, I take such endorsements as suggestive only. I heard many such comments about EMM and dCS also, and at least to me they were unjustified.
Hi Tbg, I agree. One has to read reviews carefully. It is very rare when one reads a negative review. Where are all the negative comments going? Suppressed. Reviewers often put a patina on the products when they write about them. My experience is that the products often sound very different when hooked up to a real system -- not an imaginary one. Comments are often unjustified by actual real-world experience.
When the reviewer says at the end of the review "I liked it so much, I bought it" notice the reviewer never says how much he bought it for.
What difference does that make? He still chose to pay something and keep it in his system. Hard to deal with fine shadings of "levels on implied endorsement". Buying it says something positive - no more, no less. How much one is willing to spend says more about the ability to spend then anything inherently about the quality of the sound when most differences at this level are way beyond the point of diminishing returns financially.