Is blasphemous Music ok?


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Perhaps just a matter of semantics, these days it’s not the music which may be blasphemous, but rather the lyrics.

But back when the Catholic Church ruled the Western world, the use of the tritone---then referred to as "the Devil’s interval" was forboden. It was considered "Diabolus in Musica" ("The Devil in Music" in English), and it’s use could result in one being burned at the stake. Ah, the good ’ol Catholic Church.

Tony Iommi was free to employ the tritone, and did so in Black Sabbath’s self-titled song on their debut album. By then Hendrix had already done so in "Purple Haze".

My favorite invocation of God’s name in music is in the great Country song "God May Forgive You But I Won’t", written by the team of Harlan Howard and Bobby Braddock. I first heard it by Iris Dement, then Rosie Flores.

Music taking on religion is much more easily tolerated than music taking on other topics, in my experience. 

On person's blasphemy is another person's anthem.


"Big Muddy" - Pete Seeger

"For What it's Worth" - Buffalo Springfield

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