Is it Possible??

Is it possible for speakers to sound better when you hear them while sitting in a different room that the speakers are in or when you stand behind them?  If so why does this occur and what can I do to improve my listening experience while sitting in the same room as the audio gear. 
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Thank you all for your comments and observations.  As they say you have provided me with food for thought.  For those of you interested in the gear I am using it is as follows;
Amp. - Hegel H-160
TT - Rega RP8
Preamp. - Icon Audio PS1
Cart. - Hana ML
Dac - Merason Frerot with a Merason Pow1
Server - Innous Zenith MKII
CD - Primare CD-32
Cables - mostly Wywires and Morrow Audio
Speaker cables - MIT Matrix 28
and Speakers are  Fritz's Carbon 7's

I have toed the speakers out a little and have noticed some improvement.
I would expect reverberation to be at play as much as high-frequency attenuation.
OP- it's impossible even if every component is a known quantity to others (and how many have that exact combination of components) to assess what you are hearing without being in your room. That's the point about set up. It costs almost nothing but is critical to extracting the most from whatever system you've put together. That's why I mentioned Jim Smith (please refrain from shill assertions); he does have a book about set up but that's the key. 
The high end folks often do this as part of a service when you spend the moola- whether they are any good is a question but you take my point, not to be contentious? It's gotta be evaluated in the room. What does it sound like? Are you in a town, vill, city with a fair amount of audio commerce? There will usually be some knowledgeable people, although I tend to avoid gurus. :)
"I toed the speakers out a little and have noticed some improvement."

Improvement in what? Sound quality? Imaging? Without sounding harsh, you really have to do a better job of articulating exactly what you are referring to.