Is it possible to buy a decent tube amplifier in the $2000-3000 range?

I have very efficient vintage  Dalquist DQ 20 speakers.
Am currently running them with monoblock NuForce class D amps.
Also vintage Conrad-Johnson PV 11 preamp.
Any suggestions, new or used for tube amp in the $2000-3000 range.

I also recommend Primaluna. You can frequently find used product online. I would look for the dialogue series over prologue. I think echo audio in Portland had a great deal on some mono blocks. You could buy one and use in stereo or buy both. They do sell online but don’t always ship depending on the product. I have a dialogue one integrated and I love it. 
I'm running a Conrad Johnson Premier 11A and with the right tubes I am very happy with it!
Yes, for a bit over $3K, Don Sachs produces an excellent KT88-based amp that is sure to please.  Google "Don Sachs" and check out his Kootenai amplifier.  I recall it has about 60 wpc and will drive most any speakers you have.  Check it out.  
Check out these bad boys, a pair of M-125 monoblocks,
Scroll down to the bottom for the M-125s. Or yes, as whitestix says, go with one of Don Sach's KT-88 amps.
Either choice will push Maggies to the limit, no mean feat.
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