Thanks Russ,
My digital rig is so much better sounding than my vinyl. Better soundstage, outstanding separation and position of instruments, tight and musical bass, rolled off high ends, rich midrange, superior detail and all while sounding analogue. As far as selling my vinyl rig, this will be the first time selling audio equipment. The phono amp I could post somewhere online. The Thorens is a different matter because of the shipping concerns. Then there’s the issue of pricing.
My digital rig is so much better sounding than my vinyl. Better soundstage, outstanding separation and position of instruments, tight and musical bass, rolled off high ends, rich midrange, superior detail and all while sounding analogue. As far as selling my vinyl rig, this will be the first time selling audio equipment. The phono amp I could post somewhere online. The Thorens is a different matter because of the shipping concerns. Then there’s the issue of pricing.