Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?

Hey All,
There once was a time when I looked forward to shopping for arcane mono classical and jazz vinyl. The anticipation of hearing a newly cleaned recording from 1957 that I didn’t realize existed until just a few hours prior. The satisfaction of owning 200 plus records. But now since I’ve upgraded my DAC and Transport, I’ve become disenchanted with vinyl. It still sounds musical but not nearly as close to a live performance as my digital setup. So I’m now I’m thinking about selling my ASR Mini Basis Exclusive MK 2 phono preamp and my modified Thorens TD 145 with AT 33 mono anniversary cartridge. I could put the money towards a surgical procedure that I’ve been putting off. Will I regret this afterwords? I don’t even know how much to ask for the equipment or whether someone would even take an interest in it. Any ideas out there?
One factor in this debate I rarely see discussed is HOW folks listen to the music.  Are they sitting still and focusing or busy doing other things?  The way I listen is a solo endeavor - it's not really socially acceptable behavior I can share with friends present, i.e., I sit alone in the sweet spot with my head inclined toward the floor to get the best imaging.

Do I need psychoanalysis?  Yikes!
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Vinyl: Massive steps to press a piece of vinyl then goes on a little platter where a tiny little needle picks up the information stamped into a groove and every little snap, pop, glitch will remind you.... its f'ing vinyl. Highly over rated..... sorry...... I sold all of that crap years ago and don't need to go into a long dissertation about the superiority of the proper setup in the digital world. Sell it all and then if you want to go back to an analog source...... Pre recorded reel to reel tape is the new vinyl. All of the analog sound you might be looking for without all of the vinyle audible wear and tear. Expensive, but true.