Is my DAC my weakest link?

Hi everyone,

I'm new to this sort of thing. I recently bought the following system used:

Thiel CS2
Rotel RC-1070
Audionics BK-ST 140 (BT-2)
NAD 5000
Music Player II DAC

It sounds great and I am very happy with it. I am wondering, though, whether the Music Player II might be outdated. I know everything is old (hopefully some of it in a classic sense), but I have been wondering whether more recent technology might have greatly improved DACs. Would it be worth it to invest in a more recent DAC, and if so, what price point would be roughly commensurate with the system? (i.e. no need to improve the DAC beyond the capability of everything else).

I stream Tidal HiFi through Audirvarna Plus to the DAC.

Thank you for your insights!
The issue with DACs is that modern one's (< 10 years old) do much better with Redbook (44 kHz / 16 bit) playback than old DACs.

If you can hear a big jump in sound quality when you go to high resolution, that goes away with most DACs today.

I like Mytek, Schiit is also an inexpensive option which works really well. Topping is an absolute bargain if they fit your budget better.
I recommend the Chord Mojo. There is one currently listed for less than $400 on Agon. It's not mine. I use the Mojo as a headphone DAC when traveling. I know that others on this site use the Mojo as the primary DAC in their home systems.