Is my Stylus damaged?

Ok, I realize this was a bone head thing to do.  Because of a distraction I accidentally left my tone arm on a record, with the turntable on for about 2 hours.  Yes, yes I know incredibly stupid, please no lectures.  Have I damaged the Stylus?  Should I toss it and buy a new one?  It is a Hana ML.
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jili12, 2 hours? That's nothing. I left it running all night once! The cartridge is fine and no I did not cut through to the other side. 
Well, thanks to all for your comments.  It sound OK so I guess it will be fine.  Have not been able to find tone are lift that will work with my Turntable, it is a Rega RP8.  Any suggestions?
I left a 17D2 running in the lead out groove for two weeks while I was on holiday in France. I came back to a ring of vinyl swarf, just the excuse I needed to exchange it for the D3. I do try and catch that record before the centre groove since then.

Hope that makes you feel better.
For that very reason, I’ve gotten a tonearm lifter with every table I’ve had so far - on table number three. The Little Fwend has worked best for me, although a little pricey ($249), it is built better than others IMO. Peace of mind - incase I forget or pass out listening to tunes.