Is preamp remote volume a deal breaker for you?

I've been looking for a quality active tube preamp with remote volume control. Most high quality tube preamps that are reasonably priced (ie, under $4000) do not come with remote volume. Those that do use the cheap motorized Alps pot (I've had bad experience with Alps), probably because it's cheap and widely available. I've seen some very expensive preamps us this pot, unfortunately. The two very high quality preamps I've read about are the SAS Labs 11A, Don Allens preamp, and Atma-sphere M3, but the designers refuses to implement remote because they believe the sound will suffer. Atma-sphere uses a huge hand assembled remote volume only for there expensive MP1. A preamp without remote is a deal breaker for me. How about you?
Count me in as lazy. No remote, no pre-amp. Take a look at the ARC LS26 I see them listed here all the time for less than 4K. If you want a more tube sound look at the ModWright stuff a friend of mine just got his second one and he loves them. But again no get out of my chair??
Yes, it is a deal breaker for me too.
I REALLY want a remote, (if only for volume and muting).
I too was concerned about the sonic affect to the sound when I went shopping for my last preamp.
That was a major reason I bought the Ayre K-1xe, as the remote was designed to have no affect on the sound.

My two cents worth anyway.
absoultely a deal breaker. I have a laptop as my source and I can switch cds/songs very easily. Becuase different recordings have different volume levels, I need to adjust often. I also have my 2 channel set up hooked into tv so I need input select too. For example, I may be watching a football game but have music on. If I feel the need to here the comentary or something, I need to change inputs. Remotes are great, and I do not believe it has to compromise sound quality. I think there is plenty of preamps that sound great with remotes.
best audio quality doesn't equate with "not having a remote"

with the advent of the music server and using playlists--remote is critical logistically imo. if you play vinyl only, you probably don't care one bit.