Is SACD a dead format?

From what I can glean, it seems that Sony is giving up on SACD? I can find no SACD's at my local store, and have to order them online. What a shame, are we all doomed to listening to mp3s in the future?
It's hard to disagree with what has been written.

It also no longer seems to earn the same level of debate that it once did.
I suspect it may still survive as a niche Audiophile corner of the market.

The reality I often stated for myself seems to be true;SACD simply does not exhibit the sonic differences to attract potential converts to the format.
It failed to convince me for a variety of reasons and I don't think Sony helped themselves their marketing strategy seemed seriously flawed and quite a few discs just didn't deliver.
Of course others have found different but their impassioned stances on the format seemed to have faded to silence.
It may be dead in light of the lack of new titles being released. But if you have built up a decent library, sacd surely can live in your home.
Ya, SACD sucks! Everyone send me your crappy SACD discs. I'd be willing to take them off your hands for ten cents on the dollar; you pay shipping costs... ;-)
I read an article the other day that Sony had pretty much abandoned the ship. It just never took off and I couldn't see it ever being more than a niche product for audiophiles (which account for how much of the market and what do the rest care?)
At any rate, I do hear a difference with SACD, especially in the highs and with more palpable voices. Cymbals actually take on a real shimmer. Of course, there are some crappy ones too.
I buy on line. Maybe my local Best Buy will follow Sean's but right now---not much(nor with DVD-A.) I would think it depends on the area. Unfortunately, this area is not known for audiophiles. I would say you could count all of the true blue ones on 2 hands! This is more of a boom - boom in the car and boom box region. Best Buy sells their systems by the truck load and most think they have reached the pinnacle of sound (including my brother, who, after listening to my system, says it is crazy to invest that much money even if the sound is much better. His Sony system is GOOD enough and he only paid $400 for the complete thing!) Of course, I informed him that it's crazy to drive a Lexus when a Camry will suffice!
I do believe SACD has/had some real possibilities. To bad we'll probably never see it.
Musical Fidelity came out with a very expensive SACD player, only recently, does it mean they have no clue what is going on in the market? I wonder!