Is the Kab Speedstrobe necessary with the VPI SDS?

Is it necessary (in order to accurately pinpoint the exact 33 and 1/3 platter speed) to purchase something like a KAB SPEEDSTROBE after buying the VPI SDS?
Ok, now you guys have me wondering. I just ordered my SDS from my dealer over the holidays and he made no mention of needing a seperate strobe or disc saying "it comes with all you need".

Is one included with the SDS thats "ok" to use? Does the KAB just make things more exact and easier to set up?
the strobe disc that comes with the SDS works great, you just have to supply your own flourescent light.
I use my KAB for my Oracle and it's easy as all get out and like the man said peace of mind. I couldn't listen to some solo or duo instrument recordings with out knowing it is dead on. And don't even get me started with chamber Music. I calibrate every six months but most times my Oracle is dead on so it's just a formality.