is the sound of vinyl due to the physical process of the turntable?

Same here. I do not own a turntable, however, if the sound of vinyl comes from the physical act of the record on the turntable why can't I transfer digital audio or at least emulate that process to digitally recreate that sound? I remember back in the 1970's you had 45rpm records on the back of cereal boxes and they were not vinyl, however they sounded good why can't I do that myself?

Showing 1 response by the_treble_with_tribbles

I think another aspect is that, as I understand it, digital and vinyl are mastered differently, so of course they will sound different.

The mathematician in me can understand the theory of digital, and some of the higher sampling rates should theoretically continue to come closer and closer to vinyl, but the emotion in me understands that it just isn't the same.

One other often overlooked difference, with vinyl people would usually listen to an entire side of a record, with digital they are skipping only between "great songs," yet to me they're still missing out on the "esoteric-ness" of what vinyl is.