Is There A Moveable Base To Easily Voice Speakers?

With larger speakers, especially with spikes, it is very difficult to effectively and easily move and dial-in a new set of speakers. Particularly if it's just one person. Get up. Sit down. Get up. Sit down.

Is there a device, or a special moveable base, or any method to easily dial-in and voice a new set of speakers? A dolly, a carousel, 2 pieces of plywood, etc? Thanks.
I guess once the "movable-base" is in place; a "movable listening Feast is next?
Well geez my response from yesterday finally posted. Must be all the Ecommerce lag!
I had a similar problem and I ended up placing my spiked speaker stands on 2" thick butcher blocks (cutting boards). I bought the boards at a kitchen supply store for about $25 each. I can slide the speakers around easily on the carpeted floor and an unexpected bonus is I prefer the speakers raised that extra 2".