Is there an integrated amp that can beat my...

Rowland 112 amp and synergy II preamp? The rest of my system consists of: Audio Physic Virgo III speakers, Sonic Frontiers Phono 1, Music Hall MMF-7, Rega Jupiter 2000 cd player and Synergistic Research cables throughout.
I'd focus on upgrading your source components in a big way before thinking about changing your amplification.
Thanks for the response. I'm having issues with my wife, that's all. I'm a former tube owner and that was the first compromise I made with her. I was curious if there may be a good way to simplify the system w/o giving up too much, never having experimented with an integrated amp. Actually, the point about the source components is absolutely correct. And that is where my attention will be. I've been looking at a VPI Aries TT, but not sure where to go with a cd player/transport/dac???
Regarding upgrading your TT, please consider a Basis 2001 table / Graham Robin arm / Benz Micro L2 cartridge combination. I know a dealer that will give you a great package deal if you are interested. This setup will absolutely trounce aything near the price.

For CD, I think any of the new Cary models are fantastic. I'd guess that the 308 is likely the best "bang for the buck."
Go for Chord CPM series of Audio Analogue Maestro Grand integre. They are near impossible to beat.

Heard the YBA integre, and i was mighty disappointed. Very dry sound. Might have been the system though, but my experience with it wasnt earth shattering.
