Agree with Newbee. I had a similar problem in the new room in my house. It was funky shaped. I was changing speaker placement to no avail. It would just increase the existing node "booms." The nulls were still there. I wasn't until I started moving the listening position out into the room that the bass response started to even out. I had to be 4.5 foot (minimum!!) out into the room before the sound started to sound even.
I also recommend Newbee's request to use one of the Stereophile test discs (bass tones decade track, 200Hz-20Hz) and the Radio Shack SPL meter. I used the digital meter (since I had trouble finding the analog one) and Stereophile test disc 2 ($0.99 cents at half price books, used).
It took me about 10 days using the meter and test disc to zero in one my current speaker location and listening chair location. The trick is to be methodical, chart down the values, then move either the speakers or the chair one at a time and in one direction at a time. Plus I was learning a lot at the time. You start to learn how the different movements affect the response. About 1-2 hours a day for 10 days. Like I said. Take your time. Sub took another 2-3 days to dial in after than point. But I pretty much had it nailed after the first day. The other days were all fine tuning. You do start to get pretty good at if after a while of practice. :-)
I'd say the problem may lie with your listening chair location. Don't let her give you grief. move that couch around and stick to your guns!
I also recommend Newbee's request to use one of the Stereophile test discs (bass tones decade track, 200Hz-20Hz) and the Radio Shack SPL meter. I used the digital meter (since I had trouble finding the analog one) and Stereophile test disc 2 ($0.99 cents at half price books, used).
It took me about 10 days using the meter and test disc to zero in one my current speaker location and listening chair location. The trick is to be methodical, chart down the values, then move either the speakers or the chair one at a time and in one direction at a time. Plus I was learning a lot at the time. You start to learn how the different movements affect the response. About 1-2 hours a day for 10 days. Like I said. Take your time. Sub took another 2-3 days to dial in after than point. But I pretty much had it nailed after the first day. The other days were all fine tuning. You do start to get pretty good at if after a while of practice. :-)
I'd say the problem may lie with your listening chair location. Don't let her give you grief. move that couch around and stick to your guns!