Is there such a thing as a FOREVER DAC/streamer?

I know I might be talking about rehab in a back alley, but here it goes.

I've been looking to upgrade my Hegel H390's internal DAC. But I would only do it to knock it out of the park; as the Hegel's internal DAC does an admirable job. So the question is, is there such a thing as an end game-forever DAC. At the end of the day, DAC is a digital product. Digital technology evolve quicker than analog technology. 

Will that Lumin X1, Bartok, Dave, etc be obsolete in 3 years? Thus making this a moot conversation...


Back in the early 1980s when CDs were launched the marketing phrase was "perfect sound forever".  Advancements since then make that phrase seem somewhat humorous.  I think the same could be said of today's state of the art looking back from the future and of course you need to consider ever evolving formats.

The OP actually gives a very good reason for not breaking the bank on a streamer/dac.  If you spend $20K on the latest hot streamer, that may put a crimp in your ability to upgrade for a while.  As he noted digital technology changes very fast, and they greatest innovations tend to trickle down fast as well.  Todays innovation at $20K may be largely reproducible for a fraction of that price in a year or two

@gpixels ,

As your DAC is inside of your integrated amp, you won't be able to upgrade, unless Hegel introduces new firmware.

As DAC and streaming tech is moving at a rapid pace, I have no doubt that much of what is now 'state of the art' will be bypassed by newer tech.

That being said, you'd need to spend a bit more money to get a significantly 'better' DAC than what you now own.

I plumped for a Brinkmann Nyquist, and I find it to be quite capable- so much so, that I consider it my last purchase for quite a while.
