Is there usually a dramatic difference between $5k and $10k cartridges ?

In top of the line or near top of the line system.


I have never heard such expensive cartridges. It's for $50k analogue front end, I don't operate in that territory.

I am simply interested in others' impressions.

Absolutely. The best cartridges I have heard are the over $10K and the sound quality jumped a lot. One being the Esturo Gold and top of the line Grado... are the ones I remember. I’m probably going to buy an Esturo when I am able.

I never went from a $5K to a $10 cartridge but I did go from a $5650 Dynavector XV-1s to a $12,995 Lyra Atlas Lambda SL (both have since gone up in price). As great as the XV-1s is, there's no contest. The Lyra spanks it in every category, and then some. But you also need to have the turntable, arm, and phono stage to take advantage of the improvements. I also have the Atlas Lambda Mono on my second tonearm.

Well, you need a $30k phono stage, $30k table and $15k tonearm for that Etsuro to make full sense, I suppose.