Is there usually a dramatic difference between $5k and $10k cartridges ?

In top of the line or near top of the line system.


Curious what cartridges you have heard? Also can depend on the arm and how it matches together. For me the answer is a BIG yes. 

I have never heard such expensive cartridges. It's for $50k analogue front end, I don't operate in that territory.

I am simply interested in others' impressions.

Absolutely. The best cartridges I have heard are the over $10K and the sound quality jumped a lot. One being the Esturo Gold and top of the line Grado... are the ones I remember. I’m probably going to buy an Esturo when I am able.

I never went from a $5K to a $10 cartridge but I did go from a $5650 Dynavector XV-1s to a $12,995 Lyra Atlas Lambda SL (both have since gone up in price). As great as the XV-1s is, there's no contest. The Lyra spanks it in every category, and then some. But you also need to have the turntable, arm, and phono stage to take advantage of the improvements. I also have the Atlas Lambda Mono on my second tonearm.