Here is an interesting site to find out more about dynamic range of specific recordings:
[url=]Dynamic Range Db[/url]
Lots of red and much less green in recent years.
Still, you can't generalize that recordings in general old or new are good or bad. It depends which ones specifically.
Any particular examples in mind Unsound that others may have also to offer an opinion on?
There is no doubt that most pop/pock recordings these days, including newer remasters of old stuff, are louder overall in general. Some are also clipped. Most are compressed to some degree. Some sound very good. Some sound more "average". Most are enjoyable to me and have at least some good qualities although many are far from perfect.
In lieu of crunching the numbers, I think a greater % of new recordings that I buy sound good than ever before. Some of that is the sysem I am playing them on these days, but that alone would not save them if there was no merit otherwise.
Then again I am a music lover and will listen to almost anything once unless it is just so noisy, distorted or poorly produced that I can't handle it. That occurs rarely.
[url=]Dynamic Range Db[/url]
Lots of red and much less green in recent years.
Still, you can't generalize that recordings in general old or new are good or bad. It depends which ones specifically.
Any particular examples in mind Unsound that others may have also to offer an opinion on?
There is no doubt that most pop/pock recordings these days, including newer remasters of old stuff, are louder overall in general. Some are also clipped. Most are compressed to some degree. Some sound very good. Some sound more "average". Most are enjoyable to me and have at least some good qualities although many are far from perfect.
In lieu of crunching the numbers, I think a greater % of new recordings that I buy sound good than ever before. Some of that is the sysem I am playing them on these days, but that alone would not save them if there was no merit otherwise.
Then again I am a music lover and will listen to almost anything once unless it is just so noisy, distorted or poorly produced that I can't handle it. That occurs rarely.