ISO...New Preamp...old Preamp...What to do???

Background:  Have a little room to myself for my audio.  Currently using an Anthem Statement D2 as the preamp.  I love it.  I love it when it works actually.  Down this morning for the second time with the same failure.  Has already been back to the factory about two months ago for same type failure.  No sound from inputs, except when AM/FM is selected, then I get all the radio I need.  First time this happened...only one input failed, so I accommodated with other inputs.  Then another and so on.  While it works, I love the sound.  I run my digital into the Anthem and let it do all the magic.

(going to help stop the guys who want to to evaluate my associated equipment.  first input that died was serving my turntable.  Next input that died was serving my DVD.  Then the PS4 input died and I was out of extra inputs.  I really don't think the associated equipment is causing the issues...this time, today, all inputs died at same time.  The system was working Tuesday...and this morning all inputs are dead.)

I know there is a whole class of Audiophile out there that just went running for the dare I not use outboard D/A and the like.  I have been very happy with the sound.  I think my unit must just be showing its age and perhaps it's time to send it to pasture.

The Room:  The room HAS surround...full L/R/C SR/SL five speaker setup.  99% of my listening is stereo.  I have outboard subwoofers.  I love the Anthem Room Correction.  My room is far from perfect (11' wide, 16' long and 12' high).

Unfortunately, I have not listened to my room without the Anthem Room I don't know how critical the room correction actually is...I just knew in my old room, with and without, I did like the sound better with room correction, so that is what I did when I moved into this room.

So...what do I need???  I have a pretty tight budget as I did not have ANY budget for an upgrade to the room any time soon.

Part of me is so frustrated with the second failure that I want to buy new.  All the new stuff that will allow me to do surround has so much extra crap now...I can't help but feel that I am paying way too much for bells and whistles I will never use.  2 Channel Sound is of paramount importance.  I don't need 11.2 channels of Atmos or any of that other craziness.  
If we watch a movie...which is a rarity...we are either throwing something in the DVD or streaming from Amazon/Netflix.

The Anthem has made what I do in my room so easy.

The other part of me is looking through the ads and sees stuff like the Krell Showcase and thinks maybe give this a chance.  The Krell are as old as my I assume caps and whatnot will start failing soon.  I know just sending something back to Krell will have a $300 bill to open the box.

So...what's a guy to do?  Is there some new technology that I should be researching.  I really have not kept up with the times at all.  I don't Roon.  I don't Tital.  I have my turntable and phono preamp.  I have my DVD transport.  And, yes, I have my PS4...which is my guilty pleasure.  Nothing like coming home from a hard day at work, firing up the room...start some Spotify on the PS4, start Gran Turismo and just race for an hour or so.  

I'm pretty sure I just lost most if not all the audio sobs with my last statement.  So...for you remaining few that are still with me...any thoughts on what to do?  Keep repairing my Anthem?  Find some new PreAmp?  Find another halo piece from days past?  Try some new technology?  

Minimum Requirements:  Two or three digital inputs (TV, DVD, PS4), One Analog Input (Turntable), Remote Control Volume, Superior 2 channel sound with ability to utilize all 5 channels.

Am I missing anything?

Thanks in advance for the long read and for any advice you can throw my way.  

Occasionally my Sony AVR gets confused, outputs go dead, other weird stuff I can't remember. I'm the type who reads the manual, red pen in hand. I found out how to force a factory reset by holding this while pressing that. 

Do you know how to do that with yours? Perhaps that's all the factory did.