Isolation feet under diy rack

I'm about to start a diy wide rack project which will be quite heavy and I will appreciate some recs for isolation feet underneath. The rack will be placed on wooden floor. Thanks in advance to all repliers.
You're most welcome as a guest but the racks are located in Israel...
I will research all recommendations posted here so far.
Jadem6 is right, look at Stillpoints as well. I didn't realize their SS model can handle a thousand pound load per foot. A set of those should handle the heaviest of racks!
Thanks Icorem. You have a great looking system, and I am guessing great sounding also. If I am ever in Israel ...
Check out Finite Element CERA line of feet. Haven't tried them myself, but I looked into them a while back for a similar project and they did look interesting.

Let us know what you decide and how it pans out.

For now I bought a set of 4 stillpoints ultra ss sold here on A'gon. The rack is still in its design stage and I think I'll go also for soundcare superspikes and have them tested one against the other once the rack is completed. I'll keep you posted...