Isolation question. Monitor on Subwoofer

Just curious...

I have 2 subs, and due to space limits i have been thinking about going with Monitors and putting them on the subwoofers.

Here is my idea, if anyone knows if this will not work please let me know why.

Subwoofer on spikes.
On top of subwoofer either a marble or granite slab. Felt beneath the slab to keep it from scratching the top of the sub.
Monitor speakers coupled on small custom built stands (possibly built to hold sand or leadshot) to achieve the correct height, spikes on the stand which would sit on the granite above the subwoofer

Would this achieve decent isolation between the monitor and subwoofer? I see alot of speakers with built in subwoofers, or other types of speakers with the fullrange box and monitor on top, (GMA Continuims, Watt/puppy, etc)

Thoughts on this from you Coupleing/Isolation Guru's?

Would this do a decent job of isolation or should i look into other methods?
If you use Audiopoints, and I feel you should, then do not combine coupling with so called do so would be the worst of combinations..The Audiopoints are designed to be directional..the point has a bandpass of 2hz to several meg..So you want to use Audiopoint 1.5's or 2.0's under the subs..On top of the subs you would then place 3 Audiopoint APCD coupling discs which impove point coupling on wooden surfaces and also protect the finish. Now you want to place, point down into the dimple of the discs Audiopoint 1.0's or 1.5's so your speakers sit atop the flat surface of the Audiopoints..This arrangement allows for a single exit point for the relief of vibration..You also have the benefit of wave launch enhancement..because you now have the possibilty of aligning the voice coils of the monitors with those of the subs below..You can carefully slide the monitor front to back on top of the sub..The APCD discs allow you to do this tweak easily..careful how you push.. you can knock the point out of the dimple..I have performed this procedure with several subs and monitors..Including my Servo15's..Someone mentioned marble atop a speaker that used some other type of points..doing so would slow down the possible exit path thru the point and provide a different exit speed thru the top of the speaker.Resulting in confusion...Tom .I am a Starsound dealer
Damn tom, that is one hell of an answer! So, in a short-assed version it wouldnt work, thanks for the alternate suggestion, ill have to look into these Audiopoints.

She sure seemed human untill she go me home. ;)
Slappy, "She sure seemed human untill she go me home"?
What the heck, are you typing in tounges? Boy she musta hurt you bad! You better lather on the Ben-Gay, prior to your next encounter!
Yeah, next time i will be sure to arrive in full hockey goalie gear with a baseball bat and a can of mace! (laugh)
Slappy, Full Combat Gear, wow that makes for a SCARY visual! LOL
No wonder your looking to isolate, prior to swinging your Bat.