Isolation question. Monitor on Subwoofer

Just curious...

I have 2 subs, and due to space limits i have been thinking about going with Monitors and putting them on the subwoofers.

Here is my idea, if anyone knows if this will not work please let me know why.

Subwoofer on spikes.
On top of subwoofer either a marble or granite slab. Felt beneath the slab to keep it from scratching the top of the sub.
Monitor speakers coupled on small custom built stands (possibly built to hold sand or leadshot) to achieve the correct height, spikes on the stand which would sit on the granite above the subwoofer

Would this achieve decent isolation between the monitor and subwoofer? I see alot of speakers with built in subwoofers, or other types of speakers with the fullrange box and monitor on top, (GMA Continuims, Watt/puppy, etc)

Thoughts on this from you Coupleing/Isolation Guru's?

Would this do a decent job of isolation or should i look into other methods?
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Peter thanks for the info. What works in our own separate worlds and experience is the most correct one at that portion of time. For you to stop at this point of time and with your open mindedness and desire for further knowledge on this particular subject would be a waste. Some of the products and techniques I have mentioned here so many times before, I feel are fundamental to the music. What I am a proponent of increases the efficiencey of any electro or mechanical device sitting on the platform or point.I have measured this acoustic gain..The detail, the gain in dynamic contrasts, the stage size, the focus all become more apparent,separate yet whole....Coherent and correct..I can tell you from the heart and the ear, isolation is not the key to the enhancement of the musical source.I can tell you there are exciting enhancements to the source that I have measured, recorded and photographed that will come to light in the next year..Tom
Straddle with spring system under the subs. And spring directly atop the upright of the the straddle table/frame decoupling the stand mounts, would probably work very effectively.

Of course working out effective spring rates for >3 hz isolation would be the key. The straddle frame wouldn’t need to be too heavily built if you use the most rigid part of the structure, the uprights to hold the sprung mass of the speakers.

Ensuring the standmounts have ample outriggers to accomodate the movement of the center of gravity remains within it’s base., to prevent it toppling over.

Clearly defined budget, aesthetics, and goals should be considered before any design and serious implementation be undertaken.

For example you could put a Townshend poudium on a frame which straddles your sub, but similar results by springs under a frame/straddle structure. You’re going to want someone to weld something up. Perhaps heavy timber could do similar.

Straddle mentioned early on is a good option in my opinion.
Slappy - I was working out in the field when I read this thread. On my 80 odd mile drive home I've been thinking of your question some more.
I guess to answer it better, I'd need to ask you some pertinent questions.

The answer that's going to yield you the best results is really based upon, what you have and the technology and knowledge of those answering your questions... but really it's what you put into action.

What materials are your subs made from? Weight of subs?
Height of subs?
What stand mount speakers do you have?
What is your budget?
Are you looking for an inexpensive solution DIY, or are you after something that really delivers?

Are you interested in experimenting with a limited budget before committing to more serious and costly approach?

This is hilde45's system page, the 5th last photo shows a stand with a sub under it. Imagine the sub with isolation, and the stand mount with isolation.

Something like that would be great.
not a very smart idea for several reasons.   get some stands and move the subs.  
@avanti1960 - I am so sorry, I didn't really look at the year.
It's an old and long dead thread. Excuse me.

Actually it's not entirely without merit, using springs and the substrate to isolate both the tops and the bottoms. We've seen many smaller speakers placed on top of sub boxes, but to really isolate them extremely well??

I think there's a better way, using something like I've discussed here. Suspend the stand mounts above the subs, which are also isolated on springs.
Then have another two matching subs elsewhere in the room, as a DBA, they will match the looks, it's an interesting proposition, don't you think?
Well Rick and Miller I still stand by my advice that I gave to Slappy 17 years..the Sistrum and Audiopoints are still most effective. Tom
Again, you are invited to show us at the "gathering".
I'll be the first to admit I am a budget driven audiophile, when offered something triple or more the cost - it had better deliver better performance.

At least two of us are on board for technologies that produce better performance, such as isolation devices, or vibration control devices, whichever way you slice it, superior engineering practices used for the purpose of playback.

We are aware these aren't just superficial tweaks, these are as substantial as swapping into magnetic ride suspension from leaf springs.

I would like you to be proven right, you are passionate about the product, and I know it's a long way, however I'd like to know??
Can you have your stuff shipped? I will meet you half way, I'll pay for return shipping, in the exact shipping materials you send them in.
I tried some lower end stuff, and I returned them without fail, this is a friendly challenge, you're not being ignored. However there is a standard that is making headway, Townshend has been selling from reports in the forum.

If your technology is indeed superior, are you certain you don't want it known?
It will be a toe to toe match, no mistake, we'll be very open with our opinions on everything we hear, across the board.

Ship em to Rick. He can bring them and we can all compare together in August. Rick is going to move my whole system out onto the deck where Krissy and I will sip Pina colada watching the hummingbirds and relaxing while Rick sets everything up and compares springs, Pods, Podiums, speakers, cables, power cords, DACs, amps....caps, wire, direction of wire, cable elevators, rubber bands, Schumann generators.... circuit breaker panels, AC outlets, AC wire, wall board, sheet rock, carpet.... records, CDs, Hot Stampers, and streamers. If after all that Rick says the Sistrum is the bomb that is good enough for me.   

Oh, and in the interests of the OP we will even try all these different things on a rack and compare to how they sound on a sub. 
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