I'm a believer in the Xentek Extreme isolation transformer and know it has its place in a sound system given a normal residential area, and set up. Nerspellsner states he has a dedicated street transformer that feeds his home only. Given that information, the time and cost in the purchase and instillation of an Xentek Extreme isolation transformer (depending on the manner it's installed) might not be worth the effort. In my opinion (having experimented with a similar set up a year ago at a friend's home) the benefits could be a marginal in this case.
Isolation transformer benefits?
I can understand how an isolation xfmr can be a benefit for apartment dwellers sharing a transformer with 50 other people, but would it benefit me? I happen to have a dedicated street transformer for only my home. My 3 dedicated audio circuits are all on the same phase. All 120 volt appliances and motors are on the other phase.( Phases a little unbalanced?) Would I hear or see any difference with a isolation xfmr in this situation? Is it worth the time and money? I am poor.
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