It looks like a debate to me.

I'm more interested in hearing the viewpoints of people that have earned stripes in the audio industry rather than faceless hobbyists.  Am I alone in this?
I have no idea what you're referring to.
I only posted a link to an announcement about an upcoming event at Axpona. At this rate it might not even happen.
All of your 2019 references are wrong.
I know an ER doc at the hospital with the latest midwest Covid-19 case. It's within 10 miles of the Renaissance.
No one should ever listen to what I say about audio stuff. However, I would say this. All involved should just bow their heads and move on. So be it as it may.
@tooblue kidding....*phew*  Helluva light show from the sparks...;)

@perkri...share that popcorn? *munch* for a beer? *S*

@erik_squires ....pull up a the WWF for 'slams'...*G*

@tomic601's like watching the neighbors get into a scrap..sit by an open window and listen....

"Whose winning?"

Who cares?! *LOL*