It's the small things that drive you nuts...

Out of curiosity and if you had your choice, would you prefer the power cord or power jack to be on the right, left or center of the chassis of a component ? For sake of clarity, we will assume that you are looking at the back panel when choosing right, left or center. I will assume that we would all prefer to have them situated near the bottom of the chassis and not up towards the top of the back panel, etc...

While i know that this sounds petty, the reason that i ask is that it gets kind of frustrating trying to route power cords around interconnects when some of the power cords come out on opposite sides of the chassis, in the middle, etc... It's almost like manufacturers set it up so that you HAVE TO have a cable mess on purpose. If all products were made using some type of industry standard, it would make things MUCH nicer and neater in terms of being able to route cables, etc... This might not seem like a big deal, but i have 15 power cords to deal with in one system, two different systems with 10 power cords each, 9 in another system, etc... I think you get the idea. Can you feel my pain ??? : ) Sean
amplifier manufacturers should make their amplifiers chassis mirror images instead of the cheap way using the same chassis configuration for both monoblocks. the left channel from the rear from the left side should be Interconnect, IEC, binding post. Right should be the exact opposite configuration so all wires can be routed properly, easily.
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In my own situation, considering rack placement and the placement of the power outlets, I'd say: on the right hand side, as low to the bottom of the equipment as possible. As a general rule: in the middle, as low as possible. Not that it would be practical, but at least I would know everyone would have the same problems with the powercords as me..... :)
Sean .... I think you need to get out a bit more, and spend a little less time with your hifi. :-)