Jadis Eurythmie - Anyone ever listen to them?

Has anyone ever had the chance to own or spend time listening to Jadis Eurythmie speakers? Any thoughts/opinions? All commentary appreciated. Thanks, Travis
What you get with the Eurythmie:
1) Completely different sound reproduction than panels.
2) A feeling of live concert dynamics (they're horns after all)
3) A somewhat euphonic sound (slightly pronounced lower mids)
4) OK restitution of upper mids (cymbals, for example)
5) A very expensive pair of unusual looking speakers (Euro 10k is a lot of money)

6) You would probably get better results (at least) biamping them, i.e. driving the bass box separately:

Think of ultimate limitation of a single amplifier called upon to work from DC to daylight and, accordingly, drive a loudspeaker that's also supposed to produce music in a homogeneous manner from DC to daylight... a 3-way horn + connected isobaric bass module, no less!

The sound is very different than yr panels. Better or not, can be more personal than objective. I prefer well implemented horns to well implemented panels -- but there seem to be many well implemented panels -- but few well implemented horns.
Dario, in terms of valuation, I have not seen enough pairs out there to know what "the market price" is, though I have a general enough idea about the general range of what it is where I live. It will also depend on whether it is the earlier version, the later version, the later version with active crossover, etc. The newer version (which does not have the gray legs going all the way to the floor) is usually offered at a higher price than the older one. The active crossover unit is another few thousand USD added on to that I would guess.

In addition, I do not know what the used market for CLSIIs + Entec subs [though if I had a pair of Entec subs, I might keep them for something else :^)].

As far as 'value for money' is concerned, if you find you like big horns like that, I am not sure they are going to be a better deal than BD Oris/Orpheum horns, which will probably go for less. If one got an unbelievably good deal on Avantgarde Trios, I might take those instead too. On the other hand, I got a good deal on mine, competitive with anything else out there of the type (used) and so I am happy.

I would be loathe to suggest that the Eurythmies are "better" than CLSs which are properly set up, especially with nice subwoofers. They, and all large horn speakers, "project" sound differently from both stats and dynamic speakers. I find they do not image in the same way, instead they 'envelope' and 'embrace' the listener. They are not dry, instead are quite 'wet' in my opinion, at least with tubes. They deserve quite a bit of listening in a decent room and if they strike you they will strike you and you will probably find the decision made by itself. If the decision doesn't make it by itself, I might wait or keep looking.
They remind me of the alien female who was the lead vocalist in the "Return of the Jedi"(?)