Jay’s Audio CD2-Mk3 or PS Audio PST?

Will the price difference get me a better sound with the PST?. Will be using a Bricasti M1 DAC. Thanks.


I talked to Wally at Underwood HiFi a couple of weeks ago.  He said the middle of March at the earliest for the Project CD Box RS2T and Linear Power Supply.  Lucky for me I picked these up earlier from a couple of other dealers.

+1 on the Pro-Ject. Newest mechanism, Blue Tiger designed by "pope" of CD,  Micheal Jirousek.


@fuzztone is correct. The Jay's Audio CDT2 MK III uses the discontinued Phillips Pro-2 CD drive mechanism (And to their credit they have stocked up on replacement units). The Pro-Ject CD BOX RS2 uses the latest Stream Unlimited  CD Pro-8 drive unit (And includes the Blue Tiger servo control card). I can tell you that the Pro-Ject sounds fantastic!


Thanks to everybody!!! I think the Pro-ject is gonna live in my house in a near future.