Jay's Audio CDT2-MK2

I just received my Jay's Audio transport, about which much has been written in this forum.  I hadn't considered upgrading my Wadia 8 Transport, even after reading @teajay's review of the Jay's transport, but I suddenly started having some issues with the Wadia and figured it might be time to look at something else.  
I have heard the Marantz SA-10 is a great CD player, but I don't need a DAC and I only play Redbook discs, so that player seemed overkill and overly expensive for my needs.  I have also dreamed of owning a Esoteric CD player for many years, but they also cost more than I have wanted to spend on a CD player.  When I read the review(s) on the CDT2-MK2 I became very intrigued, and recently decided to buy one.  
BTW, I noticed on their website they only show silver as a color option, so I decided to send them a message to see if I could get it in black.  To my delight he said yes, so let it be known that it is available in black and that mine is indeed, black.  If you were to ask be how much blacker it could possibly be, I'd simply answer, "none."  None more black.
Anyway, I can tell you one thing that I've learned so far, the color of the unit has nothing to do with its sound quality.  
The sound quality is quite simply the best I have ever heard in my system.  I realize that I'm writing this after a mere three hours of listening, but sometimes components have that kind of impact.  This transport is really amazing. 
I wanted to share my initial impressions right away.  I hope to have something more to say after the unit is properly broken in.  For now all I can say is it was worth every penny spent.   
Hey snackeyp,

Congrats!  It is a wonderful piece of gear.  I still find it hard to believe, based on build quality and performance, how reasonably priced it is.
Yeah, it's really great.  This thing is built to last.  Very impressed with it.  
It's odd that there is no instruction manual but honestly I think I know how to use a CD player at this point in my life.  
It's fun to spin redbook again!
Hey, I seem to recall someone wrote about a source where they sell the mechanism that's in this unit for not very much money.  I thought I might like to buy one as a spare while they are still available, but I can't find the post that mentioned this.  Any idea where to find this?  Thanks! 
I am also milking the last life out of a Wadia 8 transport and have had my eye on the Jays transport. Great to see that it is offered in black or as you say very black which is fine as it will be going behind some wire mesh doors, after you get it settled in would love to hear what dac you are using with it, which cable you are using to link them and your impressions of it after the newness wears off. Enjoy the music.