Jazz for aficionados

Jazz for aficionados

I'm going to review records in my collection, and you'll be able to decide if they're worthy of your collection. These records are what I consider "must haves" for any jazz aficionado, and would be found in their collections. I wont review any record that's not on CD, nor will I review any record if the CD is markedly inferior. Fortunately, I only found 1 case where the CD was markedly inferior to the record.

Our first album is "Moanin" by Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers. We have Lee Morgan , trumpet; Benney Golson, tenor sax; Bobby Timmons, piano; Jymie merrit, bass; Art Blakey, drums.

The title tune "Moanin" is by Bobby Timmons, it conveys the emotion of the title like no other tune I've ever heard, even better than any words could ever convey. This music pictures a person whose down to his last nickel, and all he can do is "moan".

"Along Came Betty" is a tune by Benny Golson, it reminds me of a Betty I once knew. She was gorgeous with a jazzy personality, and she moved smooth and easy, just like this tune. Somebody find me a time machine! Maybe you knew a Betty.

While the rest of the music is just fine, those are my favorite tunes. Why don't you share your, "must have" jazz albums with us.

Enjoy the music.

Showing 50 responses by inna

Schubert, there are millions of poor and very poor people in Germany France and Spain. And it is getting worse by the day, has been getting worse. Still not as bad as here but the direction is not all that different. And the UK is a total mess. Scandinavia is another matter but even there there are certain tendencies.
Orpheus10, not only super rich win, there are many who are well-heeled but not super rich. Even if many of them do serve super rich, one way or another. 
Orpheus10, nice soundtrack. 
Looks quite good but I am no expert.
What's the current going price ? Oh yes, I don't see audiophile rig there. And how do they defend that thing from pirates ?
At least it makes much more sense to me to have that than golf club and other kinds of nonsense.
Yeah, I also heard that some rich and super rich have increasingly been buying real estate in New Zealand. It started long before the pandemic. I would do it too if I could. Great getaway, I would much prefer it to being in the middle of the ocean on a super yacht.

For my taste that was the very best song by Gisela Joao. If you wish to listen to more fado try Amalia Rodrigues. 
I can. I read about them too, though I don't have direct communication with them. I also read and watch British and French news, French in English news, so I get at least distinct outlines of the entire picture.
Very bad. But New Zealand is super class in this respect. They got enough of social problems too, but US and UK are the worst.
Mary has been silent. Probably gone to Andalucia and lost herself in flamenco. Not a bad thing to lose oneself in.

Orpheus10, if you are going to eat the forbidden foods just eat very little, your doctor might be right.
I like your fantasy, mine usually go in the direction of the Middle East. But I appreciate other kinds too.
Argentinian tango is a very different form.
Easy to dance wrong, just like flamenco.
Orpheus10, I am no expert and I didn't say that anything was wrong with those dancers.
Jessy Cook is an excellent guitarist, though I often but not always disagree with what he plays. Havana - very good.
Frog, Joe Zawinul Syndicate's music is something that I tried to listen to many times. I seemingly don't have much against it but it never resonates.
Here's a 'calm' McLaughlin with Zawinul.
Frog, Miles was bullsh......  He would'n have played back up for Zawinul. Compared to him, Joe was not much at all.
Miles Davis and John McLaughlin have unique leadership qualities. I bet, John learnt a lot from Miles, that fostered his abilities.
You are certainly right about the rhythm. This is always most important in any relations. Timing and rhythm. Harmonic sophistication comes later. Maybe.
"not much at all" is not exactly nothing, and that's compared to Miles.
I like him too, to a degree.
Youtube, Tidal, Qobuz sound ridiculous compared to tape, vinyl and even cd. I cannot listen to those in the main system, and the dac I have is not bad at all. My computer listening is with headphones only.
Ain’t life a bitch? McLaughlin is still alive, though.
Corea is gone and I was thinking about Miles..
Somehow I thought that you would like it, Mary.
Nagra/Kharma system. Quite good, I would say..
I think, those speakers are around $20k new. And Nagra, well, a lot too.
I like Kharma. They also sound great with Lamm and Soulution amps.
Would someone post something that I might actually like, please ?
Some weird Scandinavian jazz or Brazilian extravaganza perhaps ?
Or maybe Mongolian funk or jazzrock ? Something, you know.
Orpheus10, thank you. All three excellent, the first one is very unusual.
Orpheus10, no, haven't check them yet, I will a little later.
In fact, I stopped listening to cds quite some time ago. I put on tape what I listen to and my CEC cd player is in the closet.
As exotic as DCD or more on records?.. No, I don't have anything, I think.
Not exotic but unusual, when you are in a particular mood:
Tony Scott - Music for Zen Meditation. 
He plays with Japanese musicians. I really like this album.
If you decide to buy this LP - find original German pressing. Not German reissue, not  American. There is no Japanese pressing, at least I couldn't find it.
Orpheus10, Tuatara is a very interesting band, never heard of it. I listened to almost the entire album. The second track that you posted especially resonated. But I will listen again all the tracks. Now that's modern jazz or whatever we might want to call it. It's got a mystery.
Mary, forgive me, I should've said - this is for Mary.
Found on youtube, of course, but I was familiar with Azam Ali's singing.
She is Iranian, grew up in India and then moved to the US.
Try the album Vas - In the Garden of Souls.
" How very dark the world is ". Indeed.
Frog, thank you, appreciate it.
Orpheus10, I try a wide variety of very different music, yeah, including Mongolian rap and Vietnamese ballads, but what I listen to most often, yes, it is formally quite limited.
Terrible performance by McLaughlin and the rest. That’s not how it should be played, not even close.
And everyone here knows that I am a big McLaughlin fan. His guitar sounds wrong too, it has no character.
This is very common for flamenco guitarists. I saw so many concerts of John McLaughlin and Paco de Lucia on youtube. I also heard Paco live once, I think it was in 1988, great performance and great sound. His Conde Hermanos guitar was an incredible instrument.
No, by that time Paco could no longer play as he did in the past.
This is a poor quality recording made with a phone but you can hear enough.  Incredible performance, even for Paco, never heard anything like that.
Well, Frog, you would be in trouble if you heard my Nakamichi deck with three sets of cables from the same company - Wywires. To my regret, I had to keep top of the line Diamond. Used, of course, but still it was over $1k. You would've had to do the same, your hearing should be much better than mine. Big difference. Anyway, if you ever consider Wywires cables, it's only Diamond for you. It is also better than Purist Audio Neptune, by the way.
Yeah, blind test no problem. But for Frog we will make it a little more difficult. He will be listening from another room, with all doors open, of course. As a side note, good system should maintain its character when listened to from another room. Well, unless the whole place is not acoustically weird, I would add.
One more point regarding bloody cables. Sometimes, but not always, much more expensive old cables are worse overall than modern cables. There has been a progress. I had $120 modern cable outperform $500 old cable. But it did not outperform $1200 old cable.
Joe Pass is alright, though he can't really play, technically speaking. His 'voice' lacks depth as well. Still okay, nice background music. Same as his duo with Ella, but she can sing, though.
Frog, what is your instrument ? 
Yes, I was serious about Pass. Others think differently, that's fine with me.
As for the guitar players, the best jazz and more guitarist is John McLaughlin, though he plays junk these days. The best flamenco guitarist is Paco de Lucia. The best classical guitarist is John Williams. The best rock/art rock guitarist is David Gilmour.

Frog, this is for you. Start at 22:15. There are other good songs there.
No, I don't think that Malmsteen has depth but he can play and he plays well when he is not doing BS.

Not Malmsteen.

Frog and others, sorry, my opinion remains the same. Pass has no depth whatsoever and his technique is weak.
Also, this is not real Persian music. Try Hossein Alizadeh and many others.
Govan makes no sense to me either.

Yeah, Gilmour is not a great singer but at times alright when within his limitations. Definitely better singer than me.