When I was quite young, there was a bar in town whose owner introduced juke box as a way to play music there. It was already modern one, with cd's. The owner must have thought that introducing juke box would be a good idea and that it would lead to a rise of profit, because instead of playing his music, the visitors would need to 'buy' a song. Everyone did, for a while... Than I have noticed, that among all the discs the juke box contained, was a concert album of Led Zeppelin (the same lp I had at home) on which is 26:50 min long version of 'Dazed and Confused' song.
In a time when I liked the Zeppelins, I have listened that song maybe once or twice . For those of you who maybe dont know, after about 5 min, J.Page and the bend behind are becoming quite 'noise makers' and that lasts next 20 or so minuts. I am thinking should I put the link here...just a joke.
So, from time to time, I would went there, payed 1.5usd and played that song. Would return aprox. 15 min later to see are there any guests there, usually I would not find any. Needless to say, there was always some song that could ruin the atmosphere and soon the juke box was out, free music was back in. I know that this story is childlish, but I cant resist smiling, every time that somebody mentions juke box, it comes on my mind. What is maybe funny to say, some 20 years later I have owned the bar in same area, and sometimes, when I wanted to close earlier I would simply put some jazz music. It worked better than Zeppelin, people would start to go for the door very soon. I am sorry to say, but for what ever reason that is young peoples reaction to jazz in majority of places. ( aldo I consider myself young too, I am 43) My favourite 'bouncer' track... 'I give them five minuts to finish the drinks'...