Now, having said that, I must also say that I am disappointed that you still feel the need to make unnecessary judgments and characterizations about what music may mean to someone other than yourself. Very presumptuous of you and quite off the mark. “....just a statement of fact”? Hardly. To be blunt, O-10, don’t think you know what you’re talking about. I hope I don’t have to explain why someone might find such unnecessarily personalized characterizations to be offensive. As always, hoping for healthier dialogue.
I would appreciate it if everyone came back to this, and explain what Frogman is saying, because I don't have a clue; there are so many alternate explanations, but he said it in reference to the following paragraph.
I have come to the conclusion that you and I (meaning me and Rok) agree more than we disagree on the definition of jazz, because your definition is more emotional, as opposed to Frogman's definition which is more intellectual. Jazz with an intellectual bent can be ever so good, but it lacks "Blacknuss".