Sometimes musicians impose on themselves rigorous constraints that put them in the directtion that synchronize entirely with their soul expression ONLY and first...Music expression is subordinated to their soul expression...Music serve them...
Sometimes musicians impose on themselves rigorous constraints that put them in the direction that mobilize all the soul powers ONLY and first to the music expression... Their soul expression is mediated by the musical thema, line or exact written score chosen expression at the time...They are the great servant of music...
Most musicians are a MIX of music expression and soul expression one through the other, time to time ...They serve music time to time and music serve them time to time...
But sometimes some extreme case musician choose squarely one or the other MOST of the time if not all time...
Oscar Peterson is a huge talented musician able to express his soul in any stylistic musical form...Be-bop included...but not only...He is more first the perfect servant of any music form,songs,or style... He can play anything...In any style...
Bill Evans is an extreme case where only some musical style and form are picked to serve first his soul expression and ONLY that...He is very different animal than Peterson...
Chet Baker is in the same boat than Evans , who never serve really the existing music FIRST but express his own soul first through any song more than playing the song...Some even call that a "limitation" compared to other more "creative" trumpeters ...
In classical piano Ervin Nyíregyházi is a stunning example of someone able to transform any written score in the sea of Ervin Nyíregyházi soul...He does not play nor serve Liszt, he become Liszt or Liszt become Ervin Nyíregyházi when he play...He does not serve Liszt but transfigure him through himself...No other pianist i know are able to do this to this level....
Like Bach was not the ordinary servant of any existing music or styles....But able to transform any music in Bach soul with the power of his brain ...This is the reason why he is the greateast composer of all times because any music is recreated , any style, is recreated in Bach soul for Bach soul expression first...
Great musicians in history become great composers for example by serving themselves first more than serving other music or existing style first...
In jazz where improvisation is so important, the musician serving itself first predominate...The servant musician exist also....But jazz lived through many transformations in a short time period because of that trend of the soul expression first in non written music...
I apologize if expressing my own feeling and idea seems too simplistic for musicians here or for some others.... Feel free to criticize...
I only listen music and i dont have any formal knowledge of music....This post is only an expression right or wrong about the matter...
Sometimes musicians impose on themselves rigorous constraints that put them in the direction that mobilize all the soul powers ONLY and first to the music expression... Their soul expression is mediated by the musical thema, line or exact written score chosen expression at the time...They are the great servant of music...
Most musicians are a MIX of music expression and soul expression one through the other, time to time ...They serve music time to time and music serve them time to time...
But sometimes some extreme case musician choose squarely one or the other MOST of the time if not all time...
Oscar Peterson is a huge talented musician able to express his soul in any stylistic musical form...Be-bop included...but not only...He is more first the perfect servant of any music form,songs,or style... He can play anything...In any style...
Bill Evans is an extreme case where only some musical style and form are picked to serve first his soul expression and ONLY that...He is very different animal than Peterson...
Chet Baker is in the same boat than Evans , who never serve really the existing music FIRST but express his own soul first through any song more than playing the song...Some even call that a "limitation" compared to other more "creative" trumpeters ...
In classical piano Ervin Nyíregyházi is a stunning example of someone able to transform any written score in the sea of Ervin Nyíregyházi soul...He does not play nor serve Liszt, he become Liszt or Liszt become Ervin Nyíregyházi when he play...He does not serve Liszt but transfigure him through himself...No other pianist i know are able to do this to this level....
Like Bach was not the ordinary servant of any existing music or styles....But able to transform any music in Bach soul with the power of his brain ...This is the reason why he is the greateast composer of all times because any music is recreated , any style, is recreated in Bach soul for Bach soul expression first...
Great musicians in history become great composers for example by serving themselves first more than serving other music or existing style first...
In jazz where improvisation is so important, the musician serving itself first predominate...The servant musician exist also....But jazz lived through many transformations in a short time period because of that trend of the soul expression first in non written music...
I apologize if expressing my own feeling and idea seems too simplistic for musicians here or for some others.... Feel free to criticize...
I only listen music and i dont have any formal knowledge of music....This post is only an expression right or wrong about the matter...