Thanks for heads up rok ! All I can say is I left with the Cav a few months back from Germany . By Army standards they were disciplined then and remained so till I left . I was in 229th Air Assault Bat.
Army really needed real platoon Sgt’s bit over a year later and I raised my hand .
Wrong ,went to 4th Div which had zero discipline as did every other did Army unit I saw . Pass the dope .
The 229th was the most,, per capita , decorated unit in Viet Nam . And deserved it .
Army really needed real platoon Sgt’s bit over a year later and I raised my hand .
Wrong ,went to 4th Div which had zero discipline as did every other did Army unit I saw . Pass the dope .
The 229th was the most,, per capita , decorated unit in Viet Nam . And deserved it .